Foundational Package
This is for the creative mind and determined spirit, the author who has all their ideas polished and ready to go, and only needs help with the essentials. This person doesn't mind doing the heavy lifting, and likely has a solid following already. Don't worry, we got you. Kabulu Global Press is happy to assist with:
Free Consultation (Marketing, Social Media)
Editing and Proof Reading
ISBN and Barcode Assignment
Global Distribution
10 Advance Copies
Intermediate Package
Maybe you have the idea but you need a little more help than the next person. Maybe you have a history of doing the heavy lifting with your publishing endeavors and you want a helping hand for a change. That's what we're here for! This Package is for the creative collaborator, the person who wants to flex their full creativity without wracking their brain and resources to do it. So allow us to assist with:
Free Consultation
Editing and Proof Reading
ISBN and Barcode Assignment
Global Distribution
Cover Design
10 Advance Copies
3 Interviews
1 Review Submission
1 Award Submission
1 Speaking Engagement
Full Package (166.66/mo)
Here it is, the full package. This is for the builders, the people whose creativity drives them to network and expand, the author who wants to generate a following as intently as their ideal cover design, who wants the world to hear their passion through their work. Let's grow together through
Free Consultation
Editing and Proof Reading
ISBN and Barcode Assignment
Global Distribution
Cover Design
10 Advance Copies
5 Interviews
3 Speaking Engagements
3 Review Submissions
3 Award Submissions
Deluxe Package ($416.66/mo)
So, you were looking for something a little...more? Say less. This is for the people who want to push boundaries, the people who want to build a community around their work that keeps expanding outward, the author who wants to present their passion with as much boldness as they can. Let's grow together through
Free Consultation
Editing and Proof Reading
ISBN and Barcode Assignment
Global Distribution
Cover Design
15 Advance Copies
8 Interviews
3 Speaking Engagements
5 Review Submissions
5 Award Submissions
Premium Package (583.33/mo)
Maximum effort. That’s what you’ll get with all of our packages, but this one in particular is for the authors who want to maintain a sense of excellence beyond even the Deluxe Package. It’s on the pricier side of things, sure, but what’s that expression about spending money to make money? The Premium is for that creative spirit who is out to make a massive splash and set a trend in their genre that speaks to their uniqueness and power. Let's grow together through
Free Consultation
Editing and Proof Reading
ISBN and Barcode Assignment
Global Distribution
Cover Design
30 Advance Copies
10 Interviews
5 Speaking Engagements
5 Review Submissions
10 Award Submissions
Custom Package (Monthly plans available for options over $1000)
Now this is for the person who might not be sold on some of the other stuff and wants to pick and choose from the options available. Not a problem. You can choose between the following and we’ll figure up the price from there. We got you with the:
Free Consultation
Editing and Proof Reading
ISBN and Barcode Assignment
Global Distribution
Cover Design
Advance Copies
Speaking Engagements
Review Submissions
Award Submissions